Create a successful business – ask questions

Create a successful business – ask these five questions.

One of the most dynamic ways you can create a successful business is to ask questions.

The key to asking expansive questions is not to look for answers, but to open up to infinite possibilities, and get out of where you are stuck in your business with limited notions of what is or isn’t possible.

Here are my top five questions to ask in business. Use these questions to change anything that isn’t working in your business, expand what is and lead your business to greater success!

1. What’s right about this we are not getting?

When something does not go according to plan, do you judge it and immediately go ‘What went wrong? What did I do wrong?’?

When you do this, you are choosing to only see the bad and none of the good. If you ask ‘What’s right about this?’, you will be able to look at what has happened from a different perspective and open doors to innovative ideas and creative avenues.

What if something even greater than you imagined is now possible due to a supposed ‘blunder’?

If you don’t ask what’s right about it, you won’t see it – so try asking this next time and see what changes.

2. How does it get any better than this?

Use this question when something great shows up in your business – for example, if you just made a sale or a got a new client on the books – and use it when something not so great shows up in your business, such as when you don’t make a sale or a client cancels.

Drawing a conclusion about anything, whether it’s good (‘This is the best ever!’) or bad (‘This sucks!’), stops the energy of more showing up in your business.

Drawing a conclusion about anything, whether it’s good (‘This is the best ever!’) or bad (‘This sucks!’), stops the energy of more showing up in your business.

If you keep asking for more with your business, it can and will show up.

3. Destroy & uncreate your relationship with your business and with everyone in the business every day. Ask ‘what else is possible?’

Destroying and uncreating your relationship with your business and everyone in it allows infinite possibilities to show up, not just what you have already decided is possible. It is literally a way to erase the past, and be present with what is truly available for your business. ‘What else is possible?’ invites other possibilities where previously you may have decided there were none. Instead of thinking, ‘I have a problem; what’s the solution?’ start asking ‘What else is possible?’ instead.

4. Will this person make me money? Will they contribute to the business?

If you hire staff, you need to ask this question, because you want people who are willing to have money working with your business!

Don’t ask this to the person themselves; this question is for you to ask yourself to get a sense of your own awareness about the people you are working with. Go by the energy, and trust what you know, not what comes out of people’s mouths!

You are the leader and creator of your business – it is important that you trust you.

5. If I choose this, where will the business be in five years’ time, 10 years’ time, 50 years’ time? If I don’t choose it where will the business be in five years’ time, 10 years’ time, 50 years’ time?’

When looking at choices with your business, asking these questions will begin to give you more awareness of what will expand your business and what will contract your business.

For example, if you ask, ‘If I hire this office space, what will my business be like in five, 10, 50 years?’, you trigger your mind and body to become aware of factors and outcomes that you haven’t consciously thought of!

Look to your physical responses for the answer – if you get a sense of a sense of space, lightness, expansion, joy or ease in your body, the choice is probably in your best interests. If you ask the question and you get a sense of tightness, contraction, heaviness or restriction, then that is the outcome that your choice will likely create.

Simone Milasas, Founder, Joy of Business