The real power of social media

Brendon Sinclair Tailored Media

The real power of social media lies in knowing your business in depth and being willing to share that knowledge with the online world.

With millions of Australians connected to one platform or another, social media has rapidly become one of the most powerful tools small businesses can use to grow.

While there are benefits to being front of mind at any given moment of the day, the real power of social media lies in building a brand persona over time, showing people how you do business rather than telling them and making each interaction count.

In our 17+ years in business we’ve witnessed the ever-changing landscape of marketing including the emergence of the social media juggernaut.

As businesses do, we adapted our approach accordingly and now work with clients across the world building brands, including our own, through the power of social media.

Here’s what I’ve learned.

People, and therefore potential customers, are watching what you’re doing at all times. This can, and should be, a major advantage to your business.

Your social media platforms are a direct reflection of your brand whether you’re one person or a team of people. Each post, word and picture should be a direct reflection of who you are as a company, what you stand for and how people can expect to feel if they work with you.

Our company has a unique approach to marketing in that we don’t take ourselves too seriously and have created a culture of prioritising creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. This is closely and deliberately reflected in everything we post on all our social media platforms ensuring people know exactly the kind of company we are and how we generate success for our clients.

We post behind-the-scenes images to show we love our work, informational posts to provide value and client success stories to show we know what we’re doing. Each post is carefully thought out and written in our specific brand voice to ensure we are consistent in our message and interactions.

The benefits of consistency are tenfold including increasing credibility and trust, building strong relationships with potential customers and strengthening those you already have with your current audience.

For us, leveraging our social media platforms in this way has resulted in multiple businesses contacting us to work with them including recently, a national company who had pored over years of our social media content and signed on specifically due to our unique approach to marketing and the branding of our own company.

While each business is unique and should obviously be unique in their approach to social media, the real power of social media lies in knowing your business in depth and being willing to share that knowledge with the online world.

Brendon Sinclair, CEO, Tailored Media